Thursday, January 16, 2014

My first foray into this thing called dieting

Yes that is right ladies and gentlemen. Today I have begun a..... diet.
Something I, up to now, have never felt the need to do.
Oh and to answer the question in your mind; no I do not feel as though I must do this to loose some weight in response to some New Years resolution. Most of the time I don't do New Years resolutions. When I make a "resolution" it is really at any point in the year.

Last year through some normal testing I found that my globulin levels were a bit low. Not a big deal but considering that globulin is an important protein involved with you immune system I decided to see if I could do something to improve this. I don't know about you but I don't like being sick; and as such would like my immune system to be in top shape. So I talked to my chiropractor about it and he suggested doing this healing diet for a couple of months. It is his opinion that by the end of this time my levels should have doubled. hmmm I figure I can do that. Eat differently for a couple of months to allow my body to heal it's self. what can it hurt?

The diet, or at least my understanding of it, is basically a low glycemic diet designed to get you body burning fat's as it's main energy source instead of sugar. That means cutting out all sugar, even the stuff that quickly turns to sugar when being digested. Things like most fruits, all grains, even potatoes.

I am kind of excited. This holds some sweet possibilities for trying new recipes. I am however a bit nervous. I have never cut this much sugar out of my diet and am not entirely sure how the "withdraw" will look like.

Last night I made some nut granola. Sorry a lot of times when I modify a recipe I don't really measure. Something my husband is forever trying to get me to stop. lol.

Mixed nuts granola
 this was the original recipe

and this is what I made roughly

2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1 1/2 cup chopped almonds
1 tsp vanilla extract
3/4 tsp hazelnut extract
1 tsp imitation rum flavoring
30 to 35 drops of liquid stevia
3 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
1 tsp allspice
2 egg whites

Mix and spread on a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 300 degrees for about 30 min.

It turned out pretty tasty. Had some this morning with some vanilla unsweetened almond milk and a bit of berry smoothie. I was delightful to munch on with my coffee. Hope eating that much nuts in one sitting doesn't come back to bight me later.....

A hour ago I made my first batch of homemade healthy mayo from the recipe on the maximized living nutrition book. It has egg yolks, salt, dry mustard, and olive oil in it. And now I am going to head down stairs to make some homemade ranch dressing and some chicken to have on a salad for lunch.

Happy eating

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